It started about two decades ago. I was in my elementary school library when I found a red leather book that caught my attention. The title of the book was in gold Gothic lettering and read The Odyssey. At the time, I had no desire to read the book (though I eventually read the whole thing twice—it was a good read for sure). Instead, I was more fascinated by the font and the structure of the letters.

As I continued my artistic journey and developed my style (which I still do), I rediscovered my fascination with calligraphy around 2015. At that time, I was living in Elizabeth, New Jersey (though I was raised in Miami Beach). I began to invest more into my art and purchased a specific kind of calligraphy pen—the PILOT Parallel Pen. It came with an instructional manual on how to use the pen and create lettering.

After months of experimenting, I began to move away from traditional lettering and let my hand guide my mind in random directions. I started filling pages with intriguing squiggles. These patterns gradually became more prominent in my artwork. By 2016–2017, this artistic style slowly began to take shape.

In 2018, I embarked on a few spiritual journeys in search of enlightenment. One day, while walking around Times Square, I overheard a conversation in an Arabic dialect. Though I couldn’t understand the words, the way they spoke sounded like water swishing back and forth—as if it were a language of water. At that very moment, I gained a deeper understanding of what I had been creating. It felt as though I was writing a language inspired by water.

I needed a purposeful meaning for what I was doing, but in truth, it found me before I ever sought it out. Something deep inside me awakened, like a burst of light exploding from within.

I had been subconsciously drawing water-like rivulets without realizing it. As I connected the dots and delved deeper into my discovery, I remembered something: energy is contagious and infinite. I’m a true believer in that.

I started to question where this energy was coming from, and I believe it originated from the ancient land of Pangaea—a time when the East Coast of the Americas was physically connected to Africa. The same minerals and rocks found on the west coast of Africa can also be found on the east coast of the Americas. In fact, the Sahara Desert was once underwater.

Africa is considered the Motherland, the place where all human life began. The theory of evolution suggests that life emerged from water before moving onto land. Who’s to say that, while living underwater, we didn’t develop a language—possibly the first language ever created? While this theory is not scientifically proven, it is something I feel in my soul.

I believe that the calligraphy patterns I create are a prototype of that ancient language. It reminds me of the story of the Tower of Babel, where humanity once spoke a single language. Interestingly, many African, European, and Asian cultures share similar calligraphy styles, with strokes that flow like water.

I even examined other languages, searching for similarities to my patterns. Eventually, I discovered the Sumerian texts and found a spiritual connection to their structure.

Returning to New Jersey, I felt a strong energy linking me to this pattern. Once I realized its origin, my next goal was to determine if this water-inspired pattern could be translated for others to understand. Since 2019, I have been working on deciphering this cryptic message.

This journey led me to reflect on the concept of water itself. Water has no fixed shape—it adapts to whatever contains it. It can be destructive, like floods and rip tides, or soothing and life-giving, like drinking water or a gentle stream. Water embodies both chaos and tranquility. That balance is what I aim to capture in my calligraphy patterns.

Each pattern is unique because, like water, it is impossible to define a single, constant form. Water is always in motion. Yet, despite its ever-changing nature, the message remains the same.

This message comes from my ancestors, who are connected to my soul and the souls of others. This is what they said:

*“Fear not, my children, for the darkness is something you must acknowledge, but you must not dwell in it. Do not seep into the light, for it will blind you, but you can appreciate it when there is not much light to see. In order to truly live, you must reside in balance. Some may have more darkness than light in their souls, but there will always be a way to even it out. That is a balance you must learn to achieve on your own. It is not easy, but my blood runs through you and many others after you. So, I know that one day, you will find that balance.

You are my child, after all. Never forget these words I place upon your soul, for they will help you find that balance, my beautiful child.

‘May the light inside you guide your soul.’

For though the world may be dark, let your eyes be the light while your body walks through the shadows. Take care, my child, for I hope to see you soon.”*

To master life, one must find balance. That is the message I write for humanity as a whole. I hope to share it with everyone on this planet and beyond.

I am a firm believer in world balance.